Sapientiam Autem Non Vincit Malitia - Eagle photo: Donald Mathis


Bem-vindo ao website em inglês de Olavo de Carvalho


"Somente a conscincia individual do agente d testemunho dos atos sem testemunha, e no h ato mais desprovido de testemunha externa do que o ato de conhecer."
"Only the subject's individual consciousness can testify for the unwitnessed acts, and there is no act more deprived of external testimony than the act of knowing."

português :: español

This site provides information about the life, works, and ideas of the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, as well as selections from his most relevant books.

Esta é a versão em inglês do site do filósofo brasileiro Olavo de Carvalho.
Para visitar o site em português, clique aqui.

Leia também

Recent Updates

Ignoring the essential
Diário do Comércio, April 3, 2009

Curtain of darkness
Diário do Comércio, January 15, 2009

Must listen

Olavo de Carvalho meets Alan Keyes and Alejandro Peña Esclusa
Washington, DC, March 3, 2009

J. R. Nyquist interviews Olavo de Carvalho

On Sunday August 31 at 6 PM Eastern, 3 PM Pacific, Jeff Nyquist interviewed Olavo de Carvalho, an important Brazilian philosopher, journalist and outspoken critic of the anti-American left in Latin America. Mr. Carvalho discussed anti-American forces gathering strength in Latin America. Listen to the archived show by clicking here.

Must read

Olavo de Carvalho answers the questions of the Editors of Wydawnictwo Podziemne
Wydawnictwo Podziemne, October 9, 2007

A Philosopher's Warning
by JR Nyquist, February 18, 2011

Resurgent Communism in Latin America
Alex Newman (The New American), March 16, 2010

Olavo de Carvalho on Communism in Latin America
Interview to Alex Newman (The New American), March 15, 2010

Olavo de Carvalho explains Lula and the Sao Paulo Forum
Interview to Alek Boyd (V-Crisis), October 22, 2009

Open Letter

This Message is Being Sent to
Several American Opinion-Makers

Any anti-American lie, even absurd, is immediately taken for granted as pure truth. Any pro-American word I write is immediately explained as the deed of a professional liar “sponsored by Wall Street”. My personal situation is the best symbol of the Brazilian state of affairs. Hundreds of powerful NGOs have millions of dollars (even from Ford Foundation) to spend in anti-American propaganda, but the only Brazilian journalist that fights against them, with his own personal resources, with no American or local support, is accused of being “sponsored by Wall Street”. My life is turning into a Franz Kafka’s novel. If I believed in reincarnation I would choose to be born again as a communist or a radical anti-Zionist. It’s the best of lives for a Brazilian.

Is it really IMPOSSIBLE for American conservatives to take account of what is happening here? Is Latin American “Little Axis of Evil” so unimportant for you? Is it really impossible for Americans to say a single word in defense of themselves in Brazilian press? Don’t you really have an Embassy here, or is it too much busy in pampering Lula to have the time to do something good for the United States? Are pro-American Brazilians so contemptible, both from American and Brazilian points of view, that they should never be believed at all?

– Olavo de Carvalho

Olavo de Carvalho’s Online Books

Full books:
The metaphysical foundations
of the literary genres

From “The Collective Imbecile”:
The Collective Imbecile
A Note on Charles S. Peirce
Rorty and the animals (transl. 1)
Mr. Rorty and his animal fellows (transl. 2)

From “The Collective Imbecile II”:

From “The Garden of Afflictions”:
Epicurus and Marx

From “Fritjof Capra & Antonio Gramsci:
The New Age and the Cultural Revolution”:

Lana Caprina, or: The wisdom of Mr. Capra

See also:
Olavo de Carvalho’s writings
in other languages

(full archive)

Other Texts

Interview to Donna McLachlan
(ABC Radio National, Australia, September 2004)
Philosophy is not for the timid
(to Zora Seljan)

Amending a personal injustice
(Military Club of Rio de Janeiro)

Essays & Study Notes:
Descartes and the Psychology of Doubt
The Problem of Truth and the Truth of the Problem
Metaphysics and the Fundamentals of Objectuality

Censored Articles, etc.:
Leninist morals (Época)
Death threats (August 1999)
CMI death threat (April 2003)
CMI death threat (Updates)

Constantine C. Menges’ Letter
to Olavo de Carvalho

Rosenstock-Huessy Conference
Monticello, Illinois

En Français

Les Plus Exclus Des Exclus:
Le silence des morts comme modèle
des vivants défendus de parler

International Symposium Forms and Dynamics of Exclusion, UNESCO

Aristote en Nouvelle Perspéctive:
Note Introdutoire et Chapitre I

Traduit par Denise Faure

Est-ce que Dieu croit à vous?
Transcription littérale de l’enregistrement magnétique

De Bobbio à Bernanos
Traduit par Henri Carrières et Armand Grabois

On the page heading: “Wickedness prevails not over Wisdom” (Wis. 7:30).
Site credits