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Willow Creek's delusion about 'social justice'

by David A. Noebel
WorldNetDaily, May 5, 2010


I've been thinking … well, I've been reading and thinking. I've been reading Erwin Lutzer's latest work, "When A Nation Forgets God: Seven Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany." Published by Moody Publishers, the Moody Church pastor analyses how the church in Germany fell under the sway of Adolf Hitler. Here's the bad news: "By far the majority of the Lutheran churches sided with Hitler and his spectacular reforms." The good news: "But a minority, under the leadership of Bonhoeffer and Niemoller, chose to pull away from the established church to form the 'Confessing Church.'"

I find it disturbing that the Obama administration is trying to use churches, including evangelical churches, for its own political purposes.

The May 3, 2010, issue of The Weekly Standard carries an article by Meghan Clyne entitled "The Green Shepherd," describing how the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships is seeking to enroll gullible Christian churches in its efforts to control the climate – paraded under the guise of fighting poverty and injustice.

One of the "Green Shepherds" chosen by the Obama administration to deceive evangelicals is none other than the Rev. Jim Wallis!

Clyne's article's subtitle summarizes the administration's underlying political goal: "The White House wants churches to advance its climate change agenda." She points out that while Wallis wrote in December 2006 that "Republicans shamelessly politicized the faith-based initiative," Wallis himself is now "a member ofObama's faith-based council and has also met with congressional Democrats to help them frame their policies in more morally appealing terms." These Wallis-trained Democrats will in turn make "inroads with religious voters." Sound similar to Hitler's making inroads with the Lutherans of his day?

Here is Students for a Democratic Society's Jim Wallis, defender of Fidel Castro and a party to the proliferation of Communist revolutions throughout Central America, moving amongst the evangelicals and deceiving them left and left. Wallis has been a radical ever since he graduated from Michigan State University. (If you're interested in more commentary on Wallis and his Sojourners magazine, see "Barack Obama's 'Red' Spiritual Advisor" article on Summit Ministries' website.)

Wallis' ability to deceive reaches high into evangelical circles. For example, an article posted on the Sojourners blog entitled "Beyond Charity: Living a Life of Compassion and Justice" written by the wife of Willow Creek Pastor Bill Hybels says the following: "The battle against injustice is a tough and ugly war. While I am proud that Willow has entered that war, the truth is we have just begun to fight. … I look forward to the day when we as a church will be known for being the greenest church on the planet, not just because we enjoy the beauty of God's creation, but because we know that climate change is a justice issue." Included in her suggested reading list is Jim Wallis and his Sojourners magazine.

This idea that climate change is a justice/injustice issue is 100 percent in synch with the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based andNeighborhood Partnerships, which "envisions the 'partnership' between government and religious institutions as a means of spreading the administration's environmental warnings, rather than just a way to help churches feed the hungry and clothe the poor." No wonder Clyne closes her article with the comment, "Perhaps it's only reasonable that global warming activists would turn to God for help as the scientific case for their position collapses."

But let me be blunt and suggest that Mrs. Hybels would be better informed if she would read Theodore Dalrymple's "Life at the Bottom," Peter Bauer's "Equality, the Third World, and Economic Delusion" and Thomas Sowell's "Intellectuals and Society."

In fact, if she were to read Sowell's work she would discover at least one secret to lifting the poor out of poverty, which we can assume is her desire in attaining "social justice," since she never clearly articulates what she means by the term. Writes Sowell, "Under new economic policies beginning in the 1990s, tens of millions of people in India have risen above that country's poverty level. In China, under similar policies begun earlier, a million people a month have risen out of poverty."

Unfortunately this is not welcomed news by the radical left because these economic policies are capitalistic and hence politically incorrect. Sowell quotes French writer Raymond Aron who admits that intellectuals want to see prosperity only "through State intervention" and "the revolutionary code" and hence are resentful over such capitalistic victories. Better poor under socialism than well off under capitalism seems to be their motto!